Most people have a year-end ritual. It usually starts by making lists of things you want to accomplish or do better.
The sad but true reality is that most often, these resolutions end up abandoned only weeks later — you’ve probably done this yourself.
Maybe you have a goal to grow your organization, to enhance your company culture, or to see real results in reaching people and making an impact— all great goals, but if we’re honest, by April our attention has shifted, we’ve gotten discouraged, and that goal is forgotten.
The truth is, it’s hard to get yourself motivated to change— and without a lot of support around you, it’s often too easy to give up before you’ve achieved your goal.
What if there was a secret to success?
I believe there is.
It’s a well-known but little-practiced fact that when you celebrate someone’s wins you actually stir up more motivation inside of them to go farther, to push through adversity, and to ultimately achieve their goal.
Think of your own goals for a moment.
What if you had someone cheering you on to succeed?
Think of how easy it would be to keep going, knowing that you had an army of raving fans behind you.
Subsequently, when you encourage others, I’ve found that you receive that same encouragement back and you get motivated yourself.
Life-hack? Maybe. But the truth is, it works!
Let's talk about the people you serve:
I really believe that most people that you’ll encounter these next few months just need a few good fans cheering them on to succeed in their lives. Something tells me that you would love to be a part of that kind of success.
At popsigns, we’ve learned that more than anything, people love to be celebrated. It’s near impossible to resist a smiling face and who can ignore a high-five or a hug?
It’s moments like this that form an emotional connection with people and helps them to engage more. This, in turn, builds loyalty which means that people will keep coming back to you for more encouragement.
You and I both know that when people keep coming back (to the gym, to church, to eating healthy…etc) their lives can really be changed.
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You probably have a year-end ritual. It probably starts with a list of things you want to accomplish or do better. I really believe you can meet or exceed every one of them.
If some of your goals this year include growing your church or business, having a healthier culture, or living a better life knowing that you’re making a difference, I would simply challenge you to start celebrating people and watch how quickly they are esteemed and suddenly achieve more than they ever thought they could.
You would be hard-pressed to find a quicker pathway to success this year.

Jumpstart your culture with popsigns
One of the easiest ways to jumpstart a culture of encouragement is with popsigns.
In just a fraction of a second, you can leave a trail of cheers that leads straight to your doors — literally!

We’ve helped over 800 churches and organizations put smiles on faces and delight their guests by focusing on one very simple thing — the perfect welcome.
Ready to join the ranks and start seeing results?